Zion Williamson rookie cards advices and a few more good NBA cards trades? Yes, Some Cards Are Very Expensive. Other than a couple of outliers, new sports cards aren’t a dollar a pack anymore. But that’s to be expected. What might be harder to fathom is how high some productsRead More →

A few tricks to correctly ride the inflatable stand up paddle board. Don’t use abrasive soap. You don’t need to use soap every time, a freshwater rinse and towel down go a long way. However, it doesn’t hurt to clean your board with soap every now and again. If youRead More →

Feed-based strategy for live football broadcasts: Even if you are not interested in the strategy itself, in the first part of the article I presented my setup – ie what computer, what hardware, but what chair or desk I use. This setup helps me to be more efficient in theRead More →

Baseball Toto in Korea is also something one would not encounter by playing solely on online betting platforms. The main game is won by predicting the correct number of home runs and the total number of runs scored by each team in four games. A game that allows bettors toRead More →

We mentioned a few times above that we can find opportunities to take advantage of the betting public’s willingness to bet with their heart instead of their head. The obvious caveat to that is that we don’t want ever to be the ones that other people are taking advantage of.Read More →