Independent film productions US with Global Harbor Corp? Global Harbor Corporation introduces The Rock Studios. We proudly present our artists, filmmakers, and producers with a physical film studio incorporating the latest technologies, to facilitate the production process. With The Rock as a benchmark of rewarding, budget-conscious, and manageable production solutions,Read More →

Friendship, trust, and poverty is what leads four Mexican teenagers planning a heist to their local movie theatre. With an important message lying on the bonds and friendships; Asalto Al Cine, the action and adventure film, takes the journey of the friend group that despite challenges and internal problems, theyRead More →

Even though it seems as if there is more content than ever at our fingertips, it still feels as though there is a lack of original comedy content that’s not only well produced, but that offers a perspective that diverges from the dominant dialogue within popular media. It can beRead More →

Is Major Movie Star a formidable cult movie? If Major Movie Star was a failure at the American box office, he is nevertheless brilliant and cult by his writing and the many references it contains. Jessica Simpson is amazing as Megan Valentine, a successful actress who loses everything and findsRead More →

If Blonde Ambition which is an independent film was a failure at the American box office, but a success in other countries, it remains no less cult and here are the reasons. First: her casting. Jessica Simpson plays the sparkling Katie Gregerstistch perfectly and I love seeing her on screen.Read More →

L’animation est un art qui fusionne créativité et technologie pour donner vie à des idées et des histoires. Dans cet univers en constante évolution, Élodie D’Ambrosio se distingue comme une figure émergente dont le travail innovant redéfinit les frontières de l’animation moderne. Une Passion Précoce pour l’Art Élodie D’Ambrosio découvreRead More →