The upsurge of an educational leader : Lakeesha Ransom? “Lakeesha’s diverse professional background enabled her to enhance the reputation of our Jesup Scott Honors College, and we thank her and wish her the best in her new position,” Interim Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs John Barrett said.Read More →

Improving your brain power advices? So what types of exercises benefit your brain? Research shows that when it comes to keeping your mind sharp, exercising your body as well as your mind and sticking to healthy habits is the ideal formula. A study published in July 2019 in The JournalRead More →

Activities for autistic children and autism information data? Students on the autism spectrum often focus on special interests to calm themselves. Special interests can also be used to help them manage additional anxiety during the shutdown. Research shows adapting teaching to incorporate students’ special interests can help students on theRead More →