Hot tub maintenance tricks: Maintaining balanced chemistry in a body of water as small as your hot tub means you’ll be changing the water frequently. You can keep recirculated dirt and debris from getting into your filter system by covering the lower return inlets with pantyhose when you change theRead More →

Foundation repair Denver? An engineer may ask for certain testing to be done on things like soil, helical piers or push pier bearing capacities. We have learned not to rush engineers. Soil samples sometimes take up to 3 weeks to come back from the lab if they are requested byRead More →

Tax help top providers in Houston, TX? Charitable deductions. If you made small gifts, you may not have received any acknowledgment from the organization, but you can still deduct these contributions as long as you have a canceled check or other proof. Consult last year’s list of organizations you donatedRead More →

Toys for kids classifieds ads! Need to get ready for outdoor summer fun? Look no further than iPlay, the makers of the first cloth swim diaper. They’ve built them right into a line of cute bathing suits and swim trunks for babies, but you can still buy the reusable swimRead More →