Driving instructor training Watford: Dry your brakes after driving through a puddle. Before even the smallest of puddles, you’d better slow down and go through it smoothly without maneuvering or changing speed. If you drive quickly, there is a chance of water getting into the ignition system and making theRead More →

Paintless dent repair tricks: For professional auto body repair shops, removing small dents from a car is not difficult. Some car enthusiasts can even handle this project at home, provided they have the right tools for the job. However, if you’ve been overcharged for dent removal in the past, thenRead More →

All auto hail repair processes : “Should I file an insurance claim on vehicle hail damage?” This is dependent on your deductible. For minor damage, it’s usually best to pay out of pocket for repairs. Major hailstorms, on the other hand…. Review your insurance policy after receiving your hail damageRead More →

Automotive hail damage repair tips? In the first place let’s begin with some car paint care tips: If you can not expose your car to the sunlight, you can use a hair dryer instead. Just aim the hair dryer to the areas you want to fix, and wait until theRead More →