Teen interventions services from Assisted Interventions Inc right now

Teen interventions services from Assisted Interventions Inc right now

Interventions and therapy services with Assisted Interventions Inc New York: We are the “first step” in the process of restoring your family dynamic to where it once was. Our goal is to have your child arrive at their respective treatment facility in a “positive frame of mind.” The more they engage with us, the more likely they are to engage in their treatment program and everything it has to offer. The concept of supporting the transport through encouragement rather than intimidation has proven to be supremely effective in preparing the child for the critical next step, the gateway into treatment. Our mission is to provide an intervention and transport experience that is comforting for the whole family while ensuring that their child is afforded a safe and positive transition through careful planning and considerate attention to the specific needs of the adolescent. See more information at assisted interventions inc.

An intervention can prevent conflicts. One of the most important motives to consult an experienced interventionist is that the tension can get relatively high during this stressful period. An intervention is likely to cause a great deal of tension and pain to the surface. However, for the intervention to succeed, all participants must remain at peace and resist the urge to assign blame to the other or one of them. An interventionist will ensure that the process runs smoothly and that everyone emerges from the event calmly. Interventionists can guide you on what to say and provide you the chance to help those you care about to stop their drug addiction.

Besides these qualifications, an interventionist should also be able to: Identify whether or not your teen has an addiction. Make the correct recommendations for placement. Teach family communication and bonding skills. Understand your teen’s behavior within the context of the family system. What to Expect During the Intervention? Once you’ve hired an interventionist, it’s helpful to know what to expect during the actual intervention so you can be prepared. First, there are 2 main types of interventions: invitational and confrontational.

What will my child need to bring with them? Your child brings only what is required by the program. They are not required to have I.D., money or a passport. A Travel Authorization Document signed by you will give us permission to transport your child. What do I do with my child’s medications, eyeglasses, retainer, etc? All medications MUST be placed in a clear plastic “zip-lock” bag. If there are any medications that you would like Assisted Interventions to administer, they should be placed in a separate clear “baggie,” along with specific written and signed (by a parent) instructions. Pre-packing of any eyeglasses or retainer may cause your child to become suspicious. We can gather those items when we arrive at your home for the intervention.

Build your case: The best way to dive into a conversation with your teen is to prepare your grounds and establish the point you want to make. What is the reason for this intervention? Why are you addressing this concern now? Being at his age, your adolescent may be defensive or may not want to open up on the subject. He may believe in his mind that there is no problem at all, and will not give you the entire truth as a result. He may try to talk his way out of it.

Yet, parents are often unsure of how to respond when they find out their child is using drugs. They tend to be reactive rather than thoughtfully responsive, perhaps making it up as they go along. The problem with this type of off-the-cuff confrontation is that emotions often take over and lead to unproductive interactions. In especially challenging cases, a trained, professional interventionist is a great resource who can guide you through the process to get your child the help they need. This article covers the signs of adolescent drug addiction and outlines which steps to take in response, including hiring an interventionist, what to expect when confronting your child, and what happens post-intervention. See extra info on Interventions and Therapy services.

An intervention, overall, should address your teen’s drug or alcohol problem, and provide a solution. Many times, addiction rehabilitation for young adults is the best solution. While this may not be on your radar right away, know that with professional guidance and medical treatment, your child can develop healthy coping skills necessary in warding off drug activity in the future. It can help him not only grow away from addiction, but also grow as a young man. We hope that these intervention tips together lead you and your teen towards a happier, healthier lifestyle.