Jordan tour packages today by

Jordan tour packages today by

Jordan private tours and travel 2022 by AlexTravel? Rent a car and drive the Desert Castle Loop to visit the sites. You’ll get the chance to see Quseir Amra, a squat building with interiors covered with beautiful frescoes; Quseir Hallabat, a Roman fort that features volcanic basalt rock and a well-preserved mosaic; Quseir Al-Kharanah, a castle-like structure that has dozens of rooms, but whose original function has been lost to history; and Azraq Castle, an ancient walled fort known as the place where T.E. Lawrence sought shelter in 1917-1918. Situated just 20 kilometers northwest of Jerash, Ajloun makes a worthwhile trip for tourists who want to see some of the best natural scenery in all of Jordan. Plan to spend a day hiking around the Ajloun Forest Reserve, a 13-square-kilometer expanse of pristine, open woodlands. In the spring, the area is blanketed by wildflowers, which makes for spectacular photo opportunities. Keep your eyes peeled for the crested porcupines and striped hyenas that live in the area. Be sure to visit the Ajloun Castle on the summit of Mount Auf. It was built in the 12th century in the footprints of an even older Byzantine monastery to protect against the Crusader attacks. Its mountaintop location offers sweeping views of the Jordan Valley. Discover additional details at Jordan private tours and travel.

One of the holiest sites in Jordan, Mount Nebo is the mountain where it is believed Moses first saw the Promised Land. Around 10km (6mi) from Madaba and around 1,000m (3,281ft) tall, the mountain is also believed to be Moses’ burial site, although this has never been proven. Pilgrims of all religions have travelled here since the 4th century CE and visitors can now visit a small church with an astonishing display of preserved Byzantine mosaics.

This vast swathe of north-west Jordan promises some seriously breathtaking backcountry, complete with winding river valleys and dust-caked gorges, steep-sided valleys sculpted over the centuries and oodles of hidden walkways chiseled out of the rocks. It’s known as the lowest nature reserve on the globe, and slopes down slowly to the saline waters of the Dead Sea. Today, it’s taken over largely by adventure tourists and outdoors outfitters, who offer everything from intrepid hikes to heart-thumping rock climbing in the canyons to zip-lining through the dry and dusty air. Go back in time with a trip to the rugged lands of the Dana Nature Reserve. This sweeping dash of carved valleys and rock-ribbed hills, scrub-dressed mountains and chiseled peaks topped with crumbling rocks, is not only Jordan’s largest protected area, but also offers a glimpse at the age-old lifestyles of the Middle Eastern folk who’ve made their home here.

Prepare to be amazed by Petra. One of the New7Wonders of the World, this attraction has wowed modern-day visitors since the long-lost city’s rediscovery by Swiss explorer Jean Louis Burckhardt more than 200 years ago. You’ll need at least two days to hit all the highlights around Petra, which include more than 800 registered sites. But if you have more time, you won’t be disappointed spending it here. Wandering around a city this ancient in such a well-preserved state is an experience like none other. If you thought Petra was incredible during the day, wait until you see it after dark. Reserve tickets to the Petra By Night show to see the Siq and the Treasury lit by more than 1,500 flickering candles. Read additional information at

When you think of Jordan, what springs to mind? Floating in the Dead Sea? Striding through the stone swirls of Petra? Riding through the red sand of the desert beneath the stars and sipping cardamom coffee with Bedouin? Those are just some of the best things to do in Jordan. But you can add more attractions to your Jordan bucket list than that. More ancient cities, more sights of the stars, more fresh, authentic food and more experiences with the people who live here. Start with this list of unique things to do in Jordan, then read around the more in-depth stories on the site until you’re ready to make your own Jordan bucket list. After that? It’s just a matter of making your trip happen! We have some tips on that here. And a full Jordan itinerary here. It has everything from a 7 day Jordan itinerary to what to see in Jordan in 5 days.