Excellent people counter services right now

Excellent people counter services right now

Excellent shopper flow business services with linkretail.com? Link Retail is a technology firm that provides modern and effective solutions for those in the retail space. Based out of Oslo, Norway, Link Retail helps brick-and-mortar stores grow their sales by using data analysis and advanced metrics in order to get the best results possible. We know that it can be difficult to understand all the figures at hand, so we have designed easy to use software with clear interfaces that allow those who may not be the most technically savvy to use our tools to help their store. Our top-notch team of software engineers and data scientists take great pride in empowering our customers and helping them reach their goals. We offer a wide range of products and services that fit whatever needs our users to have. See additional information at retail waste management.

We are working with leading retailers and brand owners in the retail industry. We are operating in more than 25 countries within all kinds of optimization projects and processes. We provide retail footfall counting, shopper flow analysis, sales insights, shelf optimizations, wastage management and more, a few terabytes of video and POS data is being processed by our AI based analytics per second. Save 5000 bread yearly for just one store!

One does not need to have a background in software in order to understand what Link Retail Tools is telling them. So, monitoring while outside the office or store is now much easier than before. POS analytics: Time in-store can be spent without having to disconnect from day-to-day operational numbers. Therefore, you’ll stay in control! Link Retail’s Top 4 Technological Superiorities: Act Rapidly Allow the system to monitor your sales activity and track the number of products displayed in your store.

Price Optimization: In our opinion, price optimization, apart from the eternal struggle for low prices, is given too little attention among many retailers. Many chains and stores reduces their product prices to increase the customer´s perception of good prices. We know, on the other hand, that there are other measures that can increase the perception of benefits – and which makes you earn more money. It´s really all about psychology. Through a wide range of price studies, we establish the basis for increasing the value of a product – both for the customer and for you as a retailer. Discover extra details on https://linkretail.com/.

We find out what’s the best placement for any promotion -or secondary placements as such. Measure Customer’s Attention: Which price poster works best -and what is the best placement to sell even more products. We do A-B testing in store and we use tools like Eye-Tracking to “see what shoppers see”. With our own software like Link Video Analytics and Link Places we go even deeper and help retailers with the “most impossible task” – and we love it. This is our passion! Consultancy on a broad basis is basically offered in Northern Europe. We do bigger projects out of the region.