Fast and reliable project management services right now

Fast and reliable project management services right now

Premium engineering design services 2021? Being able to effectively communicate is probably the most important skill a construction project manager needs to learn. A good construction project manager should be adept at both written and oral communication. All communication should be clear and concise. Sometimes a quick email or text is all that’s needed to convey your message while other instances may require you to pick up the phone or schedule a quick face-to-face meeting. Establish a communication plan to determine what type of communications should be used for different circumstances and a chain of command for what information gets shared and who that information is shared with. For example, items like RFIs and change orders should always be done through some form of written communication to establish a paper trail. When meeting with stakeholders and members of the project team it’s a good idea to take notes, and follow up with an email to ensure everyone is on the same page.

How do project managers spend their time? Many in the workforce agree that email occupies a significant amount of time spent during the workday. This article from Huffington Post found that workers spend 3.2 hours on average on work emails per day. The construction project managers we interviewed fell in line with this finding. Of the 17 project managers who responded to the question “How many hours per day do you spend on emails to and from your team?”, the average response was 3.02 hours. The median response was 3 hours flat. Talking numbers, this adds up to an average of 72 emails per day, with a median of 50. So, if you find yourself spending significantly more than three hours clearing out your inbox on a daily basis, you may want to explore methods to cut back on the number of emails you’re sending to your team.

The utilisation of specialist Project Management companies and their support services provides better initial planning and assessment of opportunities, risks, and threats. It provides a greater opportunity of identifying problem areas while there is still enough time to take appropriate corrective action, allowing flexibility for alternative plans of attack. The successful Project Management service offered by professional consultants concentrates on three primary areas of the process: time, cost, and quality. This approach ensures a joined-up structure for managing all three. See more information at engineering design.

CDM 2007 continued to bring change to the industry and followed on from the original CDM Regulations introduced in 1994. As from the 6th April 2015, the new CDM Regulations came into force replacing the CDM 2007 Regulations. This change was driven by the EU to bring the UK’s health and safety management system fully in line with the EU Directive 92/57/EEC on ‘Temporary & Mobile Construction Sites’, first published in 1992. As a Design and Project Management Company, PM PROjEN are extremely well placed to support our clients through the process of migrating from the CDM 2007 to the CDM 2015 Regulations. Key changes to Regulations included the removal of the CDM Coordinator and increased responsibility for the Client and the Principal Designer, (a new duty holder in the 2015 Regulations).

PM PROjEN is widely acknowledged by our clients as one of the best engineering consultancies in the UK across our target markets. We have achieved this by investing in our people, systems and business processes. Over the years, our approach to doing business and to the delivery of projects has been recognised through a series of prominent awards. Some of the key differentiators that make us stand out from our competition include True Multi-discipline offering delivered from two strategically located offices, (Warrington and Edinburgh); An innovative and collaborative approach to client relations and project execution; Project cost estimating and cost control expertise; Exemplary Health and Safety performance; Expert knowledge of UK legislative compliance requirements; Technology Agnostic; Market leading and industry recognised Anaerobic Digestion and Biogas experience; Award winning Biofuel Plant Design and Build. Read more information at