Premium investment guides for doctors

Premium investment guides for doctors

High quality financial planning recommendations for medical professionals? Dr Good Money is a Doctor who is Good with Money. The Idea of Dr Good Money came with the experience of the Financial Challenges doctors got exposed to during Covid times. It was a general opinion that Doctors profession is stable and recession proof, which till now was considered to be true, and to some extent it actually is. But, OPDs were shut, Surgeries are being delayed, and patients also prefer tele calling with Doctors as visiting hospitals may expose them to more risk, that showed doctors Income may also be in distress in some situations.

We will Help you in Proper execution of the Financial Plan to put you into a Financial Discipline, and to keep your behavior biases at bay. The Earlier you Start, better it is. But In Financial Planning its never too late. If you are a beginner or have already started investing or have been investing for quite many years, but are not sure which direction you are going and if you are on Right Track or not.

Once we have your Vitals at place, and the other reports like cash flow, net worth, Loan analysis, Savings requirements, we will write your Financial plan and come up with the best possible solution for the achievement of your financial goals. We may advise you discontinuing your insurance policies or increasing the Insurance cover, We may tweak your Investment Plan, may advise you on how to save more on taxes etc. But all our advise would depend on the Diagnostic reports and Your Requirements.

Being into medical profession, I hardly find enough time to manage my investments, insurances and other financials. I tried myself and then many so called professionals’ services from brokers to bankers, but to no avail as everyone was chasing his/her own job targets. My hard-earned money was getting wasted in helping people earn promotions. The financial sector has become so complex that it’s very difficult to understand the technicalities in detail. In such a scenario, you have to depend on someone who can help you in an honest and sincere manner and that too in your interest. I came in contact with Mr. Manikaran Singal in 2008 and I am quite happy with his advice and professional acumen. Read more details at retirement planning for doctors.

Do Doctors really Need a Financial Planner? Why can’t they do it themselves? Yes. Definitely , they can do it themselves. But it may not be wise thing to do. First, they have to devote so much time learning the nuances of this subject. Then They need to devote time in reviewing the things time and again, with the changing economic and financial scenario. The time which can be best utilized in working on increasing medical knowledge which is an everchanging field, why to devote time in doing your finances yourself when this can be delegated. Plus who better than doctors know what specialisation is all about. They are not specialised in Personal financial Planning.

Medical Schools don’t teach Managing Personal Finances! You learn it the hard way, sometimes after burning your fingers. A good financial planner, particularly one who likes to educate their clients, can tell you everything you need to know exactly when you need to know it, which saves you time and headaches. Just like your patients coming to you after the problem has got serious and needs immediate medical attention, Due to time constraints and Comfortable income flow you also tend to keep ignoring your Financial Problem and consult a professional only when things are about to go out of hand. Timely and Regular consultation with a good financial planner will keep your Financial Health in Check. Find even more details at