Porta potty rental provider in Sonora, CA

Porta potty rental provider in Sonora, CA

Portable restrooms firm in Sonora, CA? Don’t pour grease down the drain. If you pour grease down your drain, it could clog your septic tank drain field. Grease doesn’t allow the soil around your drain field to absorb liquids, which could cause a back-up and result in the added expense of digging a new drain field. Purchase the right kind of garbage disposal. Consider investing in a top-of-the-line garbage disposal, which will do a better job grinding your food waste. The more ground your food, the better it will be absorbed in your septic tank system.

Foothill Sanitary Septic provides a 5 page detailed evaluation report the next morning after the day of the inspection. Foothill Sanitary Septic will also accept / make phone calls to / from buyers and sellers to discuss the inspection findings and will gladly educate new owners of how to properly care for their septic system. It is our job that your system is not a headache or nuisance to you or the neighborhood. If you have any questions, please feel free call us at at (209) 257-4396. If you would like to request an inspection, please give us a call or fill out our online Inspection.

What Is a Septic System? A septic system is an on-site sewage treatment and disposal system that is usually buried underground. Septic systems consist of two main parts: a septic tank and a drain field. The septic tank is a watertight box, usually made of concrete or fiberglass, with an inlet and outlet pipe. All wastewater flows from the home to the septic tank through the sewer pipe. Septic tanks take wastewater and separate solid matter from it, which settles at the bottom of the septic tank. Once in the septic tank, heavy solids sink to the bottom, and bacteria reduces them to sludge and gases.

Your septic system is considered a part of your home, so may be covered by your homeowners insurance policy, however any damage caused as a result of lack of maintenance or neglect may not be covered. LCRA has new rules in place for septic systems. This means that an old septic tank may not be able to be repaired – it may need to be replaced with often an even larger area for a drainfield. The average cost of a new septic system in the Lakeway area is $30k to $40k. A new system may also be required for home remodels that include the addition of a bathroom or bedroom. See more info on septic tank inspection company in Valley Springs, CA.

Slower percolation rates due to poorly draining soil with clay, bedrock, high ground water, proximity to a creek, or other complications require larger leach fields. There are two methods of calculating the minimum absorption area for a leach field. Traditionally, you dig an eight foot deep test inspection hole in the area of the intended leach field to allow building inspector, or your local engineer, to physically examine the soil and determine its Long Term Acceptance Rate. Or you can have a local soil testing firm perform a percolation test to clock the speed of your soil’s capacity to absorb liquids.

Foothill Sanitary started in 2001. A family owned business with a strong work ethic and true integrity. Our desire is to help our customers with their septic and portable toilet needs. We take the time to educate our customers about their septic systems so that they understand its function and how to prolong its life span. Our portable toilets are cleaned and disinfected very well so that you always have a nice usable unit. Read even more info on https://www.foothillsanitary.com/.