College advisor with CardinalCollegePlanning

College advisor with CardinalCollegePlanning

College advisor with CardinalCollegePlanning? As time allows, continue with your college research. Attend local college fairs and information sessions, contact admissions offices to obtain information or simply to demonstrate interest. Spring break is a popular time during which to visit colleges if your family has the resources (time, money) to do so. Pick up one or two of the best college guidebooks on the market to ensure that the schools you are considering are an ideal academic and financial fit. The average student-to-guidance counselor ratio in the United States in 430:1, well above the level recommended by professional counseling organizations. These unfortunate numbers mean that many high school guidance counselors are not able to develop a close relationship with all of their students starting in 9th grade. More often, in an effort at triage, counselors don’t develop an intimate understanding of their clientele until the commencement of senior year when it’s time to start on college applications.

Involve Your Family! When parents or guardians haven’t been to college themselves, they may think they can’t help you. That’s not true. They can talk to counselors and help you stay on the right path. Look For a Mentor! If you don’t find support at home, look for other adults who can lend their enthusiasm and help make sure you succeed. You might look to a counselor, a teacher, or someone else you trust. If you have a problem that’s really getting in the way of schoolwork, try to sort it out. Talking to friends helps. Or look for an adult – parent, coach, nurse, counselor – who can offer advice.

Stress Less! High school is already a busy time between courses, extra-curricular activities, and more. Then, on top of traditional schooling responsibilities, now there is a shift to a focus on the future as well, which can be incredibly overwhelming. I take the stress off of both the student and the parents by keeping everyone on track of what they should be doing and when, restoring a sense of peace for the whole family! See more information at college advisor.

This program is designed for families with a senior who already knows what schools they are interested in, but would benefit from expertise of the college admissions process. Complete Application Management- Colleges are getting more and more competitive, so using strategies and creating an authentic, captivating, and unique application that sets your student apart from others is more important than ever. Customized plan with key deadlines and milestones. Essays- Assistance with the entire process of writing a compelling essay for both the Common App and any other supplemental applications, from brainstorming to editing and revision.

I hold a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership from the University of Dayton. As a professional Educational Consultant, I believe in maintaining a positive mindset, creating partnerships with a purpose, and always striving for significant outcomes. Contact me today for an initial consultation, and find out more about how I can create a custom college plan to fit your needs. Discover additional information at here.