Top Facebook sorry status lines

Top Facebook sorry status lines

Top Facebook sorry status lines? Searching for Status Updates That Will Make You Think? Looking for some status update inspiration? I won’t bore you with stories about where these came from; I’ll just give you a list of funny and sarcastic statuses. I have tried to include the authors for the lines I did not develop on my own. And hey, if you know the source of an unattributed quote, feel free to leave that info as a comment at the bottom. “If you can’t beat them, arrange to have them beaten.”

“War doesn’t determine who’s right-it determines who’s left.” – Posting, reading, and responding to status updates is an integral part of many peoples’ daily lives. However, the role of personality in predicting social responses to status updates remains largely unexplored. Based on the social enhancement and the social compensation hypothesis, we assessed the role of extraversion and social anxiety in predicting social responses to status updates.

Interestingly, the team found that loneliness levels did not depend on whether the students’ status updates garnered any comments or “Likes” from Facebook friends. One might assume that a lack of response could be considered a form of rejection, but the act of writing a status update itself might help people feel more connected, the researchers said. When crafting a clever status, Facebook users have a target audience in mind. Simply thinking about their friends (or at least their Facebook friends) can have a “social snacking” effect. Discover even more info at Hindi Status.

“Like” is a way to give positive feedback or to connect with things you care about on Facebook. You can like content that your friends post to give them feedback or like a Page that you want to connect with on Facebook. When the Pew Research Center surveyed thousands of Americans about their social media lives, they discovered that 44% of Facebook users “like” content posted by their friends at least once a day, with 29% doing so several times per day. So what makes us like, or not like, a particular status, photo or page? Is there a method to liking? Here are some reasons why we like: It’s a quick and easy nod.

If you’ve ever wondered why some of your friends post the things they do on as a Facebook status, you’re not alone. In fact, it’s not just that you’re not alone, but that researchers want to know what Facebook statuses mean, too. Why do some people like to give a play-by-play of their divorce, while others just flood Facebook with photos of baby otters? Well, I don’t know why I post so many photos of baby otters. I just know that they make me happy. Okay? Not sure what your Facebook status says about you? Here, let science help. You don’t want all this research going to waste, do you? Read additional details at