Get to know Nick Ayton and some of his leading Quantum AI achievements

Get to know Nick Ayton and some of his leading Quantum AI achievements

Who is Nick Ayton and some of his cryptocurrency entrepreneur thoughts… Nick Ayton on the bitcoin generation: There was an uprising similar to Bitcoin the 1960’s in London (a movement) where the average working man on the street, the young and disintermediated, pushed back. They spoke out as individuals and no longer wanted to conform or be suppressed as part of an obedient crowd. This was a break-out because the UK was stuck in a post-war grey period, a dull society where the powerful liked it that way and social norms encouraged conformist behavior as sheep. This young generation spawned the Beatles, The Who, David Bailey, Twiggy, Vidal Sassoon and Mary Quant – the mother of the mini-skirt suddenly developed a voice. They were part of a liberating movement, an emerging culture that encouraged people to express themselves and they did, and there was nothing the establishment could do about it.

An all around the world respected tech business leader, Nick works with CEOs to help them understand the complex nature of new technologies that include Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence, QuantumAI, Nano Materials, VR and Blockchain, as opportunities and threats for business operating model improvement, customers and the top line growth. Nick Ayton has spent more than 4 decades in technology, trasforming businesses and deploying the newest tech for competitive advantage. He has the knack of making the complex feel familiar and gets to the issue quickly. He gets you thinking and helps you take action, to have the right plans in place for what is to come. His most recent project 21 million , will launch an ICO 12th June 2017. 21 million aims to make a crypto-funded blockchain indy tv series about the Bitcoin Revolution, an asset backed Token and a new Media and Film Production business on Ethereum. He advises a range of clients and sits on advisory boards of several Blockchain start ups supporting the founders.

“A crash course on Quantum Computing, its allure and reach. Nick will set you right where technology is today and where it will take you next. Dive into various universes that will open up what you’ll learn.Beware you may need to rethink your plans!” Design & Build Propositions: We help Founders create and develop their propositions to disrupt industries and markets. Nick Ayton has published several White Papers discussing how Blockchain will disrupt Global Custody, Asset Management, Legal Services, Accounting & Audit, Banking and several other sectors. His book – how to design and implement Blockchain Operating Models will be available in the second half of 2017. Read extra details at Nick Ayton.

Enter a new App Token, which you can earn when you download a food review app with the assurance your comments will be validated and delivered intact and tamper free. Such a token could remove the bias from food reviews which has to be good for the industry and for food lovers everywhere. This way a Blockchain solution has the potential to change the face of the restaurant industry and close the door once and for all on the cheaters and fakers, and reviews that just get deleted.

NickAyton about crypto app tokes : It is going to happen, leaving you no time to react. At that point it will be game over for your business, shareholders as staff and customers move on to become customers of a new Blockchain enabled business. The Rise of eCommerce was fast, Blockchain is like eCommerce on steroids and Viagra all at once, in an F1 car… Blockchain is a destructive technology capable of destroying shareholder value very quickly, far quicker than eCommerce did that sat on the Internet as part of Tim Burners-Lee’s WorldWideWeb. It was a layer that in 1993 enabled the then new commerce ‘e’commerce to be created. That took just a few years to be accepted, and for new applications as business enablers to become the new norm. Commerce that today comprises Amazon, PayPal, eBay, Alibaba, WeBank, and every business on the planet that has a website that drives commerce and is part of a global integrated supply chain where things can be delivered the next day.