The climb of a musician : Hash Blink

The climb of a musician : Hash Blink

Who is Hash Blink and some of his best songs? Like many at 13-years-old, music has a way of speaking for you at a time when the world around you is changing, fast. That was the case for Thomas B. Sheriff. At that time he was immersed in the The Black Album and The Marshall Mathers LP 2, but it wasn’t until a couple of years later when 50 Cent’s hit single, “P.I.M.P” entered his world that he started to realize that other’s music didn’t have to speak for him anymore because he’d realized his own voice. It was then that a young Thomas started to see himself as Hash Blink.

Hash Blink aka Thomas B. Sheriff is the new growing star in the Hip Hop music scene, who got hit by the music bug at the young age of 13. Born and raised in Liberia, Western Africa, he didn’t realize his talent for singing-songwriting until the age of 15. Inspired by 50 Cent’s hit single “P.I.M.P.”, he inclined towards Hip Hop music and started writing songs, and jamming with friends in school. That was the moment when young Thomas started to see himself as Hash Blink.

Hash Blink has made a tough journey for his goals and discovered his true strength on the way. He believes in being brave and grabbing all the opportunities life throws at you. “I want to stick to my plans, make more good music, that buries the sadness, depression, stress, and turns them all into something positive so we can all grow and become whatever we want to be”, the artist adds further. Hash Blink is producing all of his music through his label but he is open to partnering with other labels if they give him creative freedom and the right push in the industry. Hash Blink’s music is available on all streaming platforms such as Spotify, Soundcloud, Apple Music, and Pandora among others.

His fans are eagerly waiting for his debut album, which he says is ready and just being polished. He is also working on releasing a pair of some new great singles in 2020. Hash Blink is also a social media star. He has a huge following in his social media pages. He is active on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. His fans can follow him on Instagram at hash_blink and on Facebook at realhashblink. His Twitter handle is HashBlink. See more info on