Fridges buying tips

Fridges buying tips

Top fridges for India market in 2020? LG 687 Litre Side-by-Side Refrigerator. If you want a side-by-side door refrigerator and not restricted with the budget then go with L.G. This is typically that expensive, ultra-stylish side-by-side refrigerator. It is an Inverter Refrigerator loaded with smart features. We have placed it on 2nd only because of its expensive price tag. Inverter Linear Compressor: it is the best quality inverter compressor. It can save up to 50% of energy wastage and reduces noise by 25%. Hygiene Fresh Plus: it is an anti-bacterial deodorization. It eliminates 99% of bacteria and also removes any unpleasant odour. Multi Digital Sensors: it senses warm food and hot air. Then it speeds up the motor to reach the optimum temperature.

Samsung 253 L 3 Star Frost Free Refrigerator. The first thing you might want to know is that even though it has Direct Invertor technology, the power consumption is comparatively higher ( 2 Star Energy rating) than other major brands in this segment. However, performance wise, this model from Samsung is absolutely perfect for a moderate use for a family with 3-4 members. With movable ice-shelf, deeper bottle holder, easy slide shelf, glass shelves capable of holding up to 150 kg weight and LED light, it has all basic features that makes it apt for an Indian family. The refrigerator is capable of cooling pretty fast and a bottle of water can be chilled in about 30-45 minutes. One of the highlights definitely is the easy slide shelf that makes it easy to take food items outside. The temperature of both freezer and refrigerator can be adjusted with separate knobs. However, one thing personally observed is that sometimes ice is formed on the control knob on cooler settings, making it a bit difficult to adjust the temperature. Also, the freezer doesn’t have any light.

Whirlpool’s range of models with Intellisense Inverter Compressor is quite popular these days. This BEE 4 star rated model is among some of the most energy-efficient models in this size range in the market. This refrigerator has a lot of sensors that optimise the performance of the refrigerator based on load, weather conditions and usage patterns. The inverter technology also provides it with a stabiliser free operation and it can operate perfectly between 160-200V. The Whirlpool’s IntelliSense inverter technology cools faster and consumes less electricity. It also has micro block technology to prevent up to 99% bacterial growth. The fresh flow tower provides adequate cool air throughout the refrigerator. The active deo also keeps the air inside the refrigerator odour-free. On the whole, it is a great refrigerator to keep food fresh for a long duration. Explore even more details at Best refrigerator in India.

Fridge trick : Give in to your air conditioning. Stop us if this sounds familiar: You have central air in your home but you don’t like to turn it on because it uses so much energy. Unfortunately, the energy that you’re saving by not cooling the whole house is actually being used by your fridge, as it works harder to stay cool in a seriously hot kitchen. It might not be a one-for-one tradeoff, but keeping the temperature regulated throughout your entire house can help the appliance run more efficiently.

Sort your fridge with baskets. Using small baskets to sort different products on shelves and in doors (and even in the freezer) is an awesome way to get some organisation going in your refrigerator. Not only will using baskets help you sort the contents of your fridge, but the base of the basket also acts as a protectant layer to capture any spills or food mess; instead of having to clean a whole shelf when the milk leaks, you can just clean the basket. You could even have a basket for nutritious snacks to help keep you on track with a healthy eating plan. Explore extra info at