Meet Nick Ayton and some of his leading Quantum AI thoughts

Meet Nick Ayton and some of his leading Quantum AI thoughts

The rise of a technology leader : Nick Ayton… An internationally respected tech business leader, Nick works with executives to help them overcome the pervasive nature of new technologies that include Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence, QuantumAI, Nano Materials, VR and Blockchain, as opportunities and threats for business operating model improvement, customers and the top line growth.

Nick Ayton on the crypto generation: In the sixties, people were tired of the stiff society of their parents who lived through the scarcity of the war years and whose own parents brought them up with draconian Victorian attitudes that forced people to suppress their feelings and encouraged the people to blindly follow the rules without question. This retentive society spawned a new generation who saw the opportunity to make their own way in the world, to break free and not have to follow the rules of the past. Rules decided by the hierarchy of a class system where the ‘establishment’ designed the politics of the time to retain control and limit democracy, just enough to extract more from the people to stockpile wealth.

Nick Ayton has spent more than 40 years in tech fields, trasforming businesses and implementing the latest tech for competitive advantage. He has the knack of making the complex feel familiar and gets to the issue quickly. He gets you thinking and helps you take action, to have the right plans in place for what is to come. Nick Ayton is a thought leader and a global expert in blockchain. A prolific man, Nick Ayton is not only a Blockchain Architect, Ethereum Believer and ICO Advisor, but also a filmmaker, who is creating a new film project project, that is revolutionising the way films are produced and financed. Besides aiming to design Blockchain propositions in film and entertainment, he is also interested in renewable energy, sharing economy, trading, insurance, capital markets.

Generation X revere the technology, generation Z are odd because of it, and even the baby boomers understand the value of the web to help them lead more fulfilled and better lives (Airbnb, Uber, Easyjet, Secret Escapes to name a few). Everything is online, we live online, we accept online, despite the Web being vulnerable, despite the hacks and threat of our identity being stolen, despite the fact online nobody knows who anyone really is. Yet we accept the benefits and conveniently forget any misgivings. The web sits on top of the Internet giving us Http:// and now has a new friend called Blockchain, that, rather than giving us a network connectivity of many to many, going through a central party (validating point) goes peer 2 peer and doesn’t requires a third party to be involved. Of course what I am describing is the Bitcoin payment system that writes transactions to a ledger called the Blockchain. Although everything related to this new technology, which isn’t new at all, is now called Blockchain. Find a few more details at Nick Ayton.

“A crash course on Quantum Computing, its allure and reach. Nick will set you right where technology is today and where it will take you next. Dive into various universes that will open up what you’ll learn.Beware you may need to rethink your plans!” We work with Founders and Management Teams to help them prepare for investment discussions. Nick has designed Blockchain Operating Models for Insurance, Asset Management, Capital Markets, Trading and Lectures at a number of International business schools. In 2012 he created the first Fintech Self Service Pension Platform growing at 131% per quarter. Nick is currently advising several Blockchain entrepreneurs supporting a number of Initial Coin Offerings (Crypto-crowdfunding) and is London Correspondent for CoinTelegraph.

NickAyton about crypto app tokes : A luxury car dealership in Japan now accepts Bitcoin as a payment method through renowned cryptocurrency exchange BitFlyer. According to the company, customers can easily pay for their next prospective vehicle in a matter of minutes — which certainly beats conventional means of buying vehicles, like obtaining finance through a bank. While a Lamborghini may be the goal, people have been able to purchase a wide variety of vehicles, from affordable hatchbacks to luxury sports cars, with cryptocurrency for some time now. While this dealership is driving forward a new payment model, it’s not the first time people have been able to buy cars with crypto. In December last year, a Manchester car owner listed a gold-colored Rolls Royce on Autotrader, which could only be purchased with Bitcoin. BlockShow Asia 2017 also provided the stage for BitCar to promote their platform, which allows people to buy and sell exotic cars like Lambos using cryptocurrency.