JointComments is a Disqus replacement, a free comment system for WordPress. Adding a comment widget to your website has many benefits, and we will discuss about them in this article. Comments don’t always lead to traffic or engagement : When I ran my experiment, I found that some traffic didRead More →

Print on demand publishing tips for aspiring and known authors? Make Friends: Yes, writing tends to be a solitary activity, but rubbing elbows with other authors and professionals in the writing community can have some big perks. They may be willing to give you endorsements for your book or helpRead More →

Casino poker strategies ? Stop losing and start winning at the top Malaysia online casino. Average players try to put an opponent on exactly a-Heartsj-Hearts (or some other specific hand) because that’s “what their gut tells them.” Watch the video below to understand how poker pro Jason Wheeler uses everyRead More →

Hire a virtual assistant to help with reverse email append or how to finish the work with minimal workforce costs. Work force hours costs reducing your profits, to the point when you are almost out of the market? Time to explore the world of virtual assistance. You will be surprisedRead More →