Fun corporate events Toronto perfect chance : play VR Trivia Battle

Fun corporate events Toronto perfect chance : play VR Trivia Battle

Virtual reality gaming, the perfect corporate event for your team building effort ? Are you ready to see your attendees prove their teamworking skills? In this intense VR experience, one person wears a VR headset while up to four teammates are equipped with instructions that will help them diffuse a virtual bomb. The only way to overcome this challenge is by working together, and this experience is a great way to get people communicating in order to achieve a common goal.

Event organizers are striving to integrate the latest technology into their events. VR has the potential to entirely renovate the events industry single handedly. Different Ways Virtual Reality Can Be Implemented At Events : Host interactive virtual meetings. Attendees can use VR to direct their experiences remotely, by being able to participate in an event without physically being there. One of many 360-degree cameras such as Samsung Gear 360 or the LG 360 Cam make it possible for attendees to be present at an event as if they were there alongside others. There might be a possibility in the near future that VR could replace physical venues allowing people to attend events from the comfort of their own home. This will allow your event to be more accessible to audiences worldwide. VR (virtual reality) gaming is the application of a three-dimensional (3-D) created environment to computer games. Virtual reality environments are created with VR programs and presented to the user in such a way that they overlap the real-world environment, creating a feeling of mirage and helping the user experience the VR space as real. You can play VR games at home but, usually, the hardware that are available for regular individual clients is not very good. Good VR equipment is expensive , that’s why there are gaming firms that offers VR play on extremely good equipment. Think about it like the today’s internet caffee’s of the past.

In Star Trek: Bridge Crew, you can fulfill your dream of joining Starfleet, with a choice of four different key roles onboard the USS Aegis: Captain, Tactical, Helm or Engineer. This game will require constant communication with your crewmates as you explore space, defend yourself from enemies and avoid natural hazards. Bridge Crew is designed as a seated experience, so players won’t be moving around or exploring the bridge itself. Instead, you’ll handle one of the four workstations and use your motion controllers to interact with the ship’s controls. The game works best in online multiplayer, but you can also issue specific voice commands to three AI crewmembers in single-player mode if you’re playing offline.

Farpoint is a showcase title for the PS4’s VR capabilities and the first game to use the PS VR Aim, a gun-shaped controller specifically designed for first-person shooters. Sony says the VR Aim is capable of tracking player movements on a 1:1 scale, which creates a more realistic feel to the game’s shooting mechanics. In Farpoint, you must survive deadly enemy encounters while traversing a dangerous alien environment in an effort to discover what happened to the rest of your research team. Farpoint is a relatively short experience, but it’s still worthwhile for PlayStation owners. If you want to play VR games with your friends in Toronto you may want to check LevelupReality.

LEVELUP REALITY has been ranked as one of the coolest indoor activities in Toronto while being one of the most fun and adventurous things to do in Downtown Toronto GTA. We also host the best corporate events, business team building games, and large group game parties for companies and offices in Toronto. Recommended team development games for corporate events: An effective facet of using virtual reality for team building is you get to decide exactly how your employees connect to the experience along with each other. We’ve developed a list of the most popular team development VR experiences, that may help you consider which kind of virtual reality team building event suits you and your employees. Between hilariously quirky experiences that will reduce employee stress, to exciting adventures that allow teams to tackle any challenge, these examples should give you an idea of what to anticipate when planning a team development event using virtual reality. Discover additional details on Corporate events Toronto.

The target demographic for video games continues to change and evolve, but one thing remains the same; gamers are looking for the best game experience possible. As VR makes its continued push into the gaming world, players are looking to experience this new type of play, and many want to do it at an affordable price.