Buy your coffee handblended and help lemur conservation

Buy your coffee handblended and help lemur conservation

The scent of coffee in the morning, is there anything even slightly better ? There are lots of tea types, some are bad, some are good but some manually selected tea leaves and coffee beans are just incredible. Ethics and transparency in the coffee supply chain has received huge attention over the past decade, and with good reason! Traditionally, Arabica coffee is traded on the stock market based in New York which dictates the global price for coffee based on supply and demand. In the late 90s, Vietnam’s coffee production boomed and the market was unexpectedly flooded with an excess supply of coffee. This triggered an 8 year crash with the market operating at levels never seen before.

Our coffee pick today: Ethiopia – Arabica: The coffee culture in Ethiopia dates back to the 800s A.D. Even historical findings show that the homeland of coffee is Ethiopia. According to a rumor, goats eating coffee beans in ancient times used to be observed by the dervishes. And the dervishes boiled the juice of the fruit the goats ate and drank it. Ethiopia, which produces 384,000,000 kg of coffee per year, has prized coffee trees that yield delicious coffee. Read more details on Coffee handblended UK.

Eco friendly coffee advice of the day : Get A Reusable Filter: While there are several, the most compelling reason to avoid paper filters is that a large portion of them are chlorine-bleached and end up in landfills. These filters then seep trace amounts of dioxins, chemicals toxic to human health, into watersheds, which distributes the dioxins to growing plants. Eco-friendly Aeropress reusable stainless steel filter: At the very least, look for TCF (total chlorine-free) or PCF (processed chlorine-free) labels on filters. However, reusable filters eliminate paper waste entirely, chlorine-free or not. Here are a few examples of these eco-friendly brewers: French Press, Stainless Steel Pour Over Cone, Aeropress + Steel Filters. Coffee brewed with metal filters has a rich flavor and full mouthfeel. If not for the eco-friendly factors, try them for the flavor!

We as a family have not only been lovers of good tea and coffee for generations, but have also worked in the trade. The founder of this company has himself worked in various capacities selling Italian coffee and Chinese tea, among many other blends and origins over the years, learning in depth about and sampling a huge variety of brews. Source:

You may have noticed that our mascot is a lemur, this is simply due to a love the Lynch family has always shared for the animal! A percentage of every single sale we make gets donated to Lemur Love, a NPO which focuses on lemur conservation. Help us conserve today and enjoy our delicious tea and coffee at the same time!