Public speaking coach

Public speaking coach

Fear of speaking in public can be a huge obstacle if you want to develop your career. Here are a few public speaking tips and a recommendation if you are searching for a public speaking trainer. Watch for Feedback and Adapt to It. Keep the focus on the audience. Gauge their reactions, adjust your message, and stay flexible. Delivering a canned speech will guarantee that you lose the attention of or confuse even the most devoted listeners. Let Your Personality Come Through. Be yourself, don’t become a talking head—in any type of communication. You will establish better credibility if your personality shines through, and your audience will trust what you have to say if they can see you as a real person.

Try to enjoy yourself (or at least look like it!): If you look bored, then the audience will think you are bored. And if you’re bored by the topic, then why should anyone listening be interested? When you come out, have a smile on your face, make it seem like your happy and thankful to be there (even if you’d rather be in bed watching Netflix). If you feel confident enough to do so, add a little humour (as long as it’s appropriate). This will help you and your audience relax, and break the ice if the room is feeling a little tense or unfriendly. See extra info Career advancement.

Use humor and emotion. It doesn’t matter what you are talking about. There is always a place for emotion or humor, or both. I once gave a presentation about data analytics at a conference — boring! So I made sure to weave in plenty of humor to spice things up. I find self-deprecating humor to work the best. And if you are starting to get emotional, so what? Use it. The audience may not remember everything you said, but they will remember how you made them feel.

What people say ? As an author of a public speaking book and an avid reader of anything related to mastering the art of public speaking, I’ve been through my fair share of public speaking books that just rehash the same old concepts that have been around since man has been speaking. Not only will the information be vanilla but the delivery will be boring and unengaging. You’ll wonder how you’ll ever get through the book when you’re struggling to get through the first few pages. Being an eloquent speaker is not necessarily something you are born with. It’s actually something you can learn, cultivate and hone. As the author, Mike Acker so aptly puts: “Believe in yourself. Where you are is not where you have to be.” The Amazon book can be acquired here: Public speaking coach ebook.

All you have to do is admit that you are a bit nervous speaking to your audience. When you do this, the audience will be more forgiving if your nervousness shows up later on. More importantly you will feel more relaxed now that they are not expecting a world-class presentation. Imagine their surprise when you gave them the best presentation ever despite your nervousness. The best way to do this is by joking about it. Here’s an example of a good one. “On the way here, only God and I knew what I will be presenting. (looking a bit nervous) Now, only God knows.”

What does the Public Speaking School come with? An in depth assessment and coaching session defining your areas for exponential growth. Five Additional coaching sessions with professional coach, Mike Acker. (This alone is valued at $900). – 3 main courses: determining your public and private identity, defining your messages, and discovering your skillset. (Course contain professional coaching videos available for unlimited playback).. – Bonus material showing how to transfer these skills to your career (interviews, presentations, raises), health, and relationships (including Mike Acker’s trademarked ‘Five Levels of Relationships Matrix’). – Accountability Partner system. – Access to the P.S.S. Mastermind community. Source: