Increase your Youtube videos view count tricks

Increase your Youtube videos view count tricks

Do you want to improve your Youtube channel subscriber count, this is a hot issue amongst Youtube content providers. Before you start making a video for YouTube you need to plan what you want to produce. Generate a storyboard outlining each scene or section of the video. Think about the messaging you want to portray to your audience and plan where in the video you will include calls-to-action. This is important as you need people to want to do something after watching the video. Which is why one of the easiest ways to get more views on YouTube is to encourage your current viewers to subscribe because gaining subscribers will increase the number of views on each new video that you release. How do you get viewers to subscribe?

Upload a transcript of your video in English and Spanish. About 38 million people in the United States speak Spanish. By uploading transcripts of your video in both languages, your video will start appearing in English and Spanish YouTube searches. Transcripts alert YouTube of what keywords are featured in your video and greatly increase the likelihood that your audience will find you via YouTube search. However the the fastest procedure is to buy Youtube subscribers from a marketing company, that can promote your videos to a broad audience.

Increase Views With Your Video Content: The content in your video is the most important factor in deciding just how many views it will get. Good content will result in better behavioral analytics that YouTube’s algorithm will recognize and reward your video with better organic search positioning. Provide Content that Educates or Entertains or Both: Your video content should provide value to the viewer; whether it’s teaching them how to do or understand something, or simply keeping them engaged and entertained. When users find your content valuable, they’ll return for more and increase the views on your other future video content.

YouTube already has this default system where it automatically chooses 3 images which are apt as a thumbnail for your video. But then you can also create your own thumbnail and upload it. Facebook is the world’s largest social media platform. You must connect your Facebook account with your YouTube channel in order to have further engagement and discussion on your video. Facebook is also useful for reaching out to your subscribers when they are not active on YouTube. You can post the video as an embedded video to generate more views. Twitter is a platform where you can keep the conversations moving related to your area of concern. Since Twitter heavily works on the hashtag, you can research on a hashtag which is popular and make a video related to that. Whatever Tweets that you are putting on Twitter must contain relevant hashtags so that the audience is driven towards it.

Follow the 1×4 content schedule : I wanted to know how to build a YouTube following from scratch, so I interviewed Graham Cochrane, the founder of the popular YouTube channel “The Recording Revolution.” Cochrane went from unemployed to creating a 7-figure business around audio engineering tips. YouTube has been a key distribution channel for him. Cochrane says publishing frequency is key. “The BEST thing you can do with YouTube (or any content creation for that matter) is to make a lot of content and make it consistently. I’ve made at least one video a week for seven years.” This frequency helps you retain subscribers (another important metric for YouTube) as well as helps you attract new free YouTube subscribers. Source: