Martial Arts in Natomas

Martial Arts in Natomas

Let’s talk about martial arts near me and martial art Tae Kwon Do (Taekwondo): the Korean art of self-defense, one of the oldest forms of martial arts (reaching back over 2,000 years), and the most widely practiced martial art in the world. Training involves learning a system of blocks, kicks, punches, and open-handed strikes, as well as varying forms of take-downs, throws, and joint locks, all of which develop strength, speed, balance, flexibility, and stamina. Taekwondo is known for its emphasis on kicking techniques, as compared to other martial arts such as karate. In addition to self-defense training, students learn prearranged sequences of techniques known as forms or poomsae (known in other martial arts as kata). Tae kwon do and judo are the only two martial arts included in the Olympic Games.

Martial arts have plenty of benefits to people, for a better quality of life, better mental health, better self confidence, teaching teamwork and offering health benefits. In this post we will take a look at why is good to practice martial arts and after that we will present you the best martial arts school in Sacramento. In children, martial arts practice can raise self-esteem, both through simply improving physical fitness, as well as gaining discipline and learning how to defend themselves against opponents. The sense of preparedness that comes with learning self-defense can carry significant psychological benefits. The martial arts also teach students, especially children, how to resolve conflict in a healthy way. Though a form of self-defense, the practice discourages starting physical fights. Instead, students learn not to respond to provocation with violence. Another benefit in today’s society is increased attention. In the age of Twitter and Snapchat, distractions abound and attention deficits are on the rise. In an experiment conducted by researchers at Bangor University, martial arts students saw improved attention, focus, and alertness compared to control groups. The discipline that martial arts requires can improve attention and help students get off their smartphones in addition to their couches.

One of the most amazing things about martial arts is that it is not only a rigorous physical activity but also an amazing way to enhance the mind and the body. A great portion of martial arts deals with our mental health and being able to remain focused on our inner being. In order to get the most out of martial arts, we have to pay attention to our state of mind. This is done through the study of proper breathing techniques, constant meditation, and the practice of martial arts’ various principles throughout our daily lives, namely honor, respect, courage, and perseverance, among others.

At first glance, most people would not qualify Karate as a team sport. Nothing could be further from the truth. This individualized sport and activity has great team building characteristics that go beyond the regular team sports. Karate is trained on an individual level – every student individually learning the specific techniques taught. However, it is practiced within a group. A great deal of time is spent practicing basic techniques as a group. This is where great magic happens. The Karate instructor will not only challenge each student individually to perfect his or her technique but will also place great demands physically and mentally on the group as a whole. Many times the intensity and demand given by the instructor are so high and so challenging that an individual by him/herself would not be able to overcome. However, it is the group spirit , energy and camaraderie that has developed through persevering together through intense practice that will help the group to emerge as a strong team and overcome the demands. It is very common in military arts to push the individual so that those individuals emerge together as one unbreakable team. Karate as a military art is no different within this goal.

High kicks, aggressive throws, and acrobatic evasions are an important part of more than a few martial art disciplines. To execute such moves will require a great amount of flexibility, so if you are not already flexible, participating in martial arts like Judo, MMA or Muay Thai will help to facilitate improvement in that area.

If you live in Natomas Sacramento you are lucky to have two world class traditional Karate instructions in your city. Come and experience the family friendly, high spirited atmosphere at Tokon Martial Arts?. Sacramento’s best Karate School for traditional Shotokan Karate and Martial Arts. We are a traditional Karate school that teaches Karate as it is taught in Japan. We are Sacramento’s best Karate school for Shotokan. Sensei Marcus has trained and coached many national and international karate champions. We have affiliations with all major Karate federations such as International KarateCoaching Federation, ISKF, JKA, WJKA, AJKA, AAU and USANKF. See more info at Children martial arts in Sacramento.

The only Martial Arts School in Natomas where Character development is first priority. You will receive world class Martial Arts and Karate instructions at Tokon Martial Arts in Sacramento. Our interest in our students is pedagogical vs. commercial. Students at Tokon Martial Arts learn to improve their focus, concentration, attention to details, confidence and self esteem. Our Martial Arts program teaches not only life skills and leadership skills but also virtues. The potential of what students will learn and can accomplish at Tokon Martial Arts is priceless.