The post-Fukushima shutdown of Japan’s nuclear reactors and subsequent demand for energy self-sufficiency due to costly fuel imports, coupled with the Japanese government’s ambitious emissions reduction targets for 2020, have stimulated growth in new renewable energy sources in the country. Currently, renewable power accounts for approximately 15% of total electricityRead More →

This is one of the websites we found out reading indonesian forum feedback regarding their local betting agencies. Gambling/betting is quite a big thing in Indonesia this days, especially since the online phenomenon started to grow.Read More →

Medisun Regenerative Medical Center and Health Summit Cancer Vaccine | White House Cancer Lunar Plan | Cancer Proton Beam Treatment ShenZhen- Hong Kong-GuangZhou The Medisun Medical Health Summit, co-sponsored by Medisun Regenerative Medical Group, New Life Group and Sunshine Medical Group, was held in Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Guangzhou fromRead More →