Precision machining firm in Denver CO by

Precision machining firm in Denver CO by

Excellent injection molding firm in Denver CO? Usually doing this requires a large staff with in-depth expertise and specialties. AMC’s Engineering Service provides all of this by having both a dedicated staff of in-house experts and a contracted stable of specialties Alfred is more than just a manufacturing company. Sure, we have hundreds of years of combined experience in every major manufacturing discipline. And yes, we love to help our customers come up with innovative solutions to the most perplexing challenges. But we’re more than that. And we’re truly a family. From our namesake to the production floor, every person here at Alfred takes pride in what they do and is here to serve you. You can be confident that with Alfred you get our best every day. Our survival depends on it.

Anneal your metal by heating to a dull red and allow to cool (unless your metal has already been annealed, as is the case with our range of pre-cut stamping blanks). Support the metal fully from the reverse, using a steel block or sandbag. Measure and mark the position where you would like the impression to sit (ImpressArt Stamp Straight Tape is useful for this step. Hold your chosen stamp in place (with your left hand if you are right handed, or your right hand if you are left handed) ensuring that it stands fully upright, with the whole design in complete contact with the surface of the metal. Take your hammer and get your position by resting it on the top of the stamp, ready to strike. When ready, raise the hammer and strike the end of your stamp cleanly and with strength. If you feel you need a second blow, ensure you DO NOT MOVE the stamp or this will ruin your design. The force of the blow will determine the depth of the impression. Designs can be enhanced by rubbing over with a black marker pen or stamping enamel ink, and then buffing off the excess from the remaining raised areas.

Alfred handles your demands from start to finish. Let us coordinate, manage cash flow, and assemble your product from conception to completion. Alfred has an unequaled ability to internally manage your demands. No one in the nation has a comparably efficient and collaborative collection of manufacturing resources located on the same campus. Simply put, meet with Alfred’s manufacturability engineers, place a single PO for your final assembly and let us do the rest. We will design the manufacturing process, coordinate raw material purchases, schedule the timing of the components, assemble them, package and ship on time, with perfect quality, to the destination you specify. Alfred’s nationally recognized and implemented ERP system is set up to coordinate and manage your demands efficiently and effectively with the ability to link to most standard customer ERP systems. Find extra information on injection molding.

What is your delivery time? If you want an order on a specific date, ensure to find a manufacturer that can deliver within the timeframe. Always consider the shipping process as well. If it is first-order with a brand new product or a new factory, allow more time for your shipping date. Luckily, a small partial shipment can be extensive compare to the boat shipment in efficiently delivering small orders or samples.

3 generations of the Alfred family have worked on creating a firm that has become one of the most diversified manufacturing organizations in the country. Determined to assemble the strongest team while investing in current technologies and facilities’ all while maintaining a healthy balance sheet. Alfred Manufacturing is equipped to meet your manufacturing requirements. No job is too small or too big, and Alfred’s manufacturability engineers and 120+ person production team will take care of you. See extra information at injection molding denver co.