Hd clear privacy edition

Hd clear privacy edition

Blue light filter: The electromagnetic rays just beyond the red end of the visible light spectrum are called infrared — they are warming, but invisible. (The “warming lamps” you see keeping food warm at your local eatery emit infrared radiation. But these lamps also emit visible red light so people know they are on! The same is true for other types of heat lamps.) Rays on the red end of the visible light spectrum have longer wavelengths and, therefore, less energy. Rays on the blue end of the spectrum have shorter wavelengths and more energy.

Anything above 380 nanometers is not visible to the human eye and cannot be seen. While invisible, these frequencies can still be useful. Some epoxies used in dental work use ultraviolet light to accelerate the chemical process of fixing teeth. Tanning beds use these frequencies to artificially increase tan color (though of course you wouldn’t want to be bathed in it for hours, or you could develop significant health problems).

Blue light is a range of the visible light spectrum, defined as having a wavelength between 400-495 nm. This short wavelength means that blue light is a type of HEV (high-energy visible light), defined as having a wavelength between 400 and 450 nm. Because the blue/violet band of the visible spectrum has a particularly high frequency. Blue light isn’t some special form of light that only comes from computers and LED lights – it’s actually all around us. In fact, sunlight is the main source of blue light. When you walk outside during the daytime, you’re exposed to blue light. Find additional info on iPhone blue light filter.

Scheduling a yearly eye exam is one of the best things you can do for your overall health! Besides addressing the obvious (such as a change in vision), an eye exam can often lead to the diagnosis of more serious conditions including diabetes, high blood pressure, and even cancer. What’s more, an eye exam will allow the doctor to check for eye conditions that may go unnoticed by the patient. Often patients diagnosed with glaucoma only become aware of their condition after having already suffered permanent vision loss. Because there are no symptoms early on, it can easily go undetected without a routine eye exam. It is also important for young children to have routine eye exams, as their vision more strongly influences their ability to learn and comprehend the world around them.

The amount of HEV light these devices emit is only a fraction of that emitted by the sun. But the amount of time people spend using these devices and the proximity of these screens to the user’s face have many eye doctors and other health care professionals concerned about possible long-term effects of blue light on eye health. The short-wavelength, high-energy light rays on the blue end of the visible light spectrum scatter more easily than other visible light rays when they strike air and water molecules in the atmosphere. The higher degree of scattering of these rays is what makes a cloudless sky look blue.

Tempered glass screen prtector (aslo called Toughened glass screen protector) is a type of safety glass screen cover processed by controlled thermal or chemical treatments to increase its strength compared with normal glass screen protector. Tempering craft puts the outer surfaces into compression and the inner surfaces into tension.Tempered glass screen prtector is 5 to 10 times more stronger than normal glass screen protector. Tempered glass screen protector is usually made of multi-layered structure, 3-5 layer is most frequently on market.(PERFECTSIGHT best eye care tempered glass screen protectors for iPhone, iPad, MacBook even is up to 11 layer). Discover more info at https://www.perfectsight.co/.